This document describes how to use SVN Report as a standalone application
and as a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, Borland JBuilder, Eclipse, NetBeans.
1. SVN Report
SVN Report generates statistical reports from the Subversion (SVN) repository,
supports http://, https:// and svn:// protocols.
1.1. Main Screen (History table)
1.2. Main Screen ("Commits by user" chart)
1.3. Main Screen ("Commits by day" chart)
1.4. Toolbar. There are buttons to control SVN Report.
Get report - starts the history command
Stop report - stops the history command
Clear report table – clears the history table
Export report to HTML file – exports the report to the HTML file
Export report to CSV file – exports the report to the CSV (Comma Separated Values) file
About – shows "SVN Report About" dialog
1.5. SVN Configuration dialog
1.6. Calendar. Helps to select the start and the end dates.
2. SVN Report for IntelliJ IDEA
2.1. Installation
- Close IDEA
- Unpack files from SVNReportIDEA-bin-{VERSION}.zip to IDEA plugins folder
- Run IDEA
2.2. IDEA ToolBar
2.3. IDEA Main Menu
3. SVN Report for Eclipse
3.1. Installation
- Close Eclipse
- Unpack file org.vcsreport.svnreport_{VERSION}.jar from SVNReportEclipse-bin-{VERSION}.zip to {Eclipse>}/plugins folder
- Run Eclipse
3.2. Eclipse ToolBar
4. SVN Report for Borland JBuilder
4.1. Installation
- Close JBuilder
- Unpack files from SVNReportJBuilder-bin-{VERSION}.zip to {JBuilder}/lib/ext folder.
- Run JBuilder
4.2. JBuilder Main Menu
5. SVN Report for NetBeans
5.1. Installation
- Go to Main Menu -> Tools -> Update Center
- Select "Install Manually Downloaded Modules (nbm. Files)", press "Next"
- Press "Add" and select the file "button org-vcsreport-svnreport.nbm", press "Next"
- Select the line "SVN Report for NetBeans" in the right list "Include in Install", press "Next"
- Accept the license
- Select the checkbox "Include" and press the button "Yes"
- NetBeans will refresh Toolbar and Main Menu
5.2. NetBeans ToolBar
5.3. NetBeans Main Menu